- The grades for the make up test are available (check the side bar). If you want to see your test just drop by my office.
- You can learn more about Lie groups and de Rham cohomology here (in Portuguese, by Rui Loja Fernandes).
- You can find more information about the parallel postulate here (by Craig Kaplan).
- Manifolds: differentiable manifolds; differentiable maps; tangent space; immersions and embeddings; vector fields; flows; Lie bracket; Lie groups; orientability; manifolds with boundary; differential forms; integration on manifolds; Stokes theorem; tensor fields.
- Metrics: Riemannian manifolds; isometries; left-invariant metrics; affine connections; Levi-Civita connections; geodesics; minimizing properties of geodesics; Hopf-Rinow theorem.
- Curvature: curvature tensor; sectional curvature; Ricci tensor; scalar curvature; connection and curvature forms; Cartan structure equations; index of a vector field at a singularity; Euler characteristic; Gauss-Bonnet theorem; isometric immersions; Gauss map; mean and Gauss curvatures; Theorema Egregium; first and second fundamental forms.
- Applications: general relativity.
- L. Godinho e J. Natário, An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry with Applications
- Manfredo Perdigão de Carmo, Riemannian geometry, Birkhäuser, (1993)
- Manfredo Perdigão de Carmo, Differential Forms and Applications, Springer (1994)
- W. Boothby, An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry, Academic Press (2003)
- Tests: There will be two tests each counting 35% towards the final grade (dates to be arranged). You will be able to make up for one of these tests the week after classes end.
- Homework: There will be weekly problem sets making up 30% of the final grade. Late homework will not be accepted.
For more exercises check the course webpages from previous years (mostly in Portuguese):