Below you can find a list of published and unpublished material. You may also
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for my publications.
Lecture Notes
Research Papers
Note: If you would like to have information about papers in
preparation please
Integration of Coupling Dirac Structures, together with
Olivier Brahic, (in preparation).
- The Classifying Lie Algebroid of a Geometric Structure I: Classes of Coframes, together with Ivan Struchiner. To appear in Transactions of the AMS. Preprint arXiv:1103.5850.
Modular classes of Poisson maps, together with
Raquel Caseiro. To appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourier. Preprint arXiv:1103.4305.
A h-principle for symplectic foliations, together with
Pedro Frejlich. International Mathematics Research Notices 2012, no. 7, (2012), 1505-1518.
A geometric approach to Conn's linearization theorem, together with
Marius Crainic. Annals of Math 173 (2011), 1119-1137.
Stability of symplectic leaves, together with
Marius Crainic. Inventiones Mathematicae 180, no. 3, (2010), 481-533.
Integrability of Poisson-Lie group actions, together with
David Iglesias Ponte. Lett. Math. Phys. 90, (2009) 137-159.
The momentum map in Poisson geometry,
together with
Juan Pablo Ortega and
Tudor Ratiu. Amer. J. of Math. 131, no. 5, (2009) 1261-1310.
Lie Algebroids and Classification Problems in Geometry,
together with Ivan Struchiner. São Paulo J. of Math. Sci. 2 no. 2, (2008) 263-284.
Poisson fibrations and fibered symplectic groupoids together with
Olivier Brahic, in Poisson Geometry in Mathematics and Physics, 41--60,
Contemporary Mathematics, 450, American Mathematical Society,
Providence, RI; 2008.
- The symplectization functor, in Proceedings
of XV International Workshop on Geometry and Physics (Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 2006)
Publ. R. Soc. Mat. Esp. 11, (2008) 67-82.
- Integrable hierarchies and the modular class,
together with Pantelis Damianou, Annales de l'Institut Fourier,
58 no. 1, (2008) 107-137.
A note on proper Poisson actions Proceedings of the 10th
International Conference in Modern Group Ananlysis, Oct. 2004,
Eds. N.H.Ibragimov, C.Sophocleous, P.A.Damianou, Larnaca, Cyprus,
(2005) 77-84.
Rigidity and flexibility in Poisson geometry, together with
Marius Crainic Trav. Math., 16 (2005), 53-68.
Exotic Characteristic Classes of Lie Algebroids, together with
Marius Crainic. In Quantum Field Theory and
Noncommutative Geometry, Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 662.
Eds. Carow-Watamura, Ursula; Maeda, Yoshiaki; Watamura, Satoshi,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005.
Linearization of Poisson brackets,
together with
Philippe Monnier Lett. Math. Phys.
69, (2004) 89-114.
Integrability of Poisson brackets, together with
Crainic, J. of Differential Geometry 66, (2004)
Integrability of Lie brackets, together with
Marius Crainic. Annals of Mathematics
(2003) 575-620.
- Invariants of Lie algebroids, Differential
Geometry and its Applications 19, (2003) 223-243.
- From the Toda lattice to the Volterra lattice and
back, together with Pantelis Damianou, Reports on Math. Phys.
50, (2002) 361-378.
- Lie Algebroids, Holonomy and Characteristic Classes,
Advances in Mathematics 170, (2002) 119-179. Odd enough,
this one had some
Hyperelliptic Prym Varieties and Integrable Systems, together with
Pol Vanhaecke,
Commun. Math. Phys. 221, (2001) 169-196.
- Connections in Poisson Geometry I: Holonomy and
Invariants, J. of Differential Geometry 54, (2000) 303-366.
- Deformation Quantization and Poisson Geometry,
Resenhas IME-USP 4, (2000) 327-361.
- Contravariant Connections on Poisson Manifolds, in
Proceedings of the Summer School on Differential Geometry,
Eds. A. M. Breda, F. Carvalho, J. Costa, B. Wegner, Univ. Coimbra,
- Dynamics on the Attractor of the Lotka-Volterra
Equation, together with Pedro
Duarte and Waldyr Oliva, J. Diff. Equations 149,
(1998) 143-189.
- Hamiltonian Dynamics of the Lotka-Volterra Equations
- together with Waldyr Oliva, Proceedings of the Equadiff 95
Conference, Lisbon, Eds. L. T. Magalhães, C. Rocha,
L. Sanchez, World Scientific, Singapure, (1998).
- Integrability of the Periodic KM System - together
with João P. Santos, Reports on Math. Phys.
40, (1997) 475-484.
Completely Integrable bi-Hamiltonian Systems,
J. Dynam. Diff. Eq. 6, (1994) 53-69.
- A Note
on Poisson Symmetric Spaces, in Proceedings of the Cornelius
Lanczos International Centenary Conference. Eds. J. Davis Brown, Moody
T. Chu, Donald C. Ellison, Robert J. Plemmons, SIAM Philadelphia, USA
(1994) 638-642.
- On the master
symmetries and bi-Hamiltonian structure of the Toda lattice,
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 26, (1993) 3797-3803.
Books (Author)
Introdução à Álgebra (2.5 Mb)- together with
M. Ricou (in Portuguese). This is a textbook in Algebra, written for the
students in the Undergraduate
Program in Mathematics at IST. It has been published by
IST Press. (Note: the
electronic version differs somewhat from the published version; in
the latter several typos and mistakes have been corrected).
Books (Editor)