Welcome to the homepage of

Florian Schätz





I am currently a Post-doc at the Center for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems at IST, Lisbon. I am interested in mathematical physics and geometry, in particular in Poisson geometry, Lie algebroids / groupoids, supergeometry and deformation quantization.

You can find my CV here.


Preprints & Publications

F. Schätz, "BFV-complex and higher homotopy structures" (heavily revised & extented version, 2008), Commun. Math. Phys. 286 (2009), Issue 2, 399 - 443, (PDF)

A.S. Cattaneo & F. Schätz, "Equivalences of Higher Derived Brackets", J. Pure Appl. Algebra 212 (2008), Issue 11, 2450 - 2460 (PDF)

F. Schätz, "Invariance of the BFV complex", Pacific J. Math., 248 (2010), No. 2, 453 - 474 (PDF)

F. Schätz, "Moduli of coisotropic Sections and the BFV-complex", Asian J. Math, Vol. 15 (2011), No. 1, 71 - 100 (PDF)

C. Arias Abad & F. Schätz, "Deformations of Lie brackets and representations up to homotopy", preprint (PDF)

A.S. Cattaneo & F. Schätz, "Introduction to supergeometry", Rev. Math. Phys., Vol. 23 (2011), Issue No. 6, 669 - 690 (PDF)

C. Arias Abad & F. Schätz, "The A_infty de Rham theorem and integration of representations up to homotopy", preprint (PDF)



F. Schätz, "The Morse-Smale complex", ''Diplomarbeit'' at the University of Vienna, 2005 (PDF)

F. Schätz, "Coisotropic Submanifolds and the BFV-Complex", ''Dissertation'' at the University of Zurich, 2009 (PDF)

F. Schätz, "Homotopical Algebra of Coisotropic Submanifolds", Poster for Poisson 2008 (PDF)

F. Schätz, "Coisotropic Submanifolds and the BFV-Complex", slides from the presentation of my thesis (April 27th, 2009) (PDF)

F. Schätz, "Lie theory for representations up to homotopy", slides from my talk at ``Poisson geometry and applications" (June 13th, 2011) (PDF)



In the winter term 2006, I was in charge of the exercise class of the modul "Mathematische Methoden in der Physik I"

In the sommer term 2007, I was in charge of the exercise class of the modul "Mathematische Methoden in der Physik II"

In the autumn term 2007, I corrected exercise sheets for the exercise class of the modul "Mathematik für die Chemie I". Moreover I organized an informal seminar on "mathematical structures in field theories".

In the spring term 2008, I was in charge of an exercise class of the modul "Mathematik für die Chemi II".

In the autumn term 2008, I was in charge of an exercise class of the modul "Analysis I".

In the spring term 2009, I was in charge of an exercise class of the modul "Analysis II".



e-mail: florian[.]schaetz[aaaTTT]gmail[.]com