Probability - Summer School

Local Information

The courses take place in the headquarters of the Gulbenkian Foundation, Avenida de Berna, Lisbon.

The closest subway (Metro) stations are Praça de Espanha (blue line), São Sebastião (blue and red lines) and Campo Pequeno (yellow line).

Google provides directions to the school using public transportation, by car or on foot.

Some nearby hotels

It is quite easy to find relatively cheap accommodation in Lisbon online (look on airbnb and but you should try to book as soon as possible as places fill up in the summer.

Hotel Açores Lisboa (****)
Phone: +351 217 222 920
Avenida Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro, 3, by Praça de Espanha

Hotel Alif Avenidas (****)
Phone: +351 213 593 000
Avenida Duque D'Ávila, 189, one block from the Gulbenkian Foundation

Hotel Sana Executive (***)
Phone: +351 217 951 157
Rua Conde Valbom, 56, one block from the Gulbenkian Foundation

Hotel Olissipo Marquês de Sá (****)
Phone: +351 217 911 014
Avenida Miguel Bombarda, 130, half block from Rua Marquês de Sá da Bandeira

garden of the Gulbenkian Foundation