Opening Lecture for
“The Impact on Academic Institutions of Research Evaluation Systems”,
Confederation of European Union Rectors Conference,
LNEC, Lisbon – 23-24 June 2000.
Luis T. Magalhães
Presidente da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Some of the major social and economic trends of actuality are:
- Knowledge and information, as resources of the highest
added-value for economic and social progress.
- Globalization, at the planet scale, of economy, knowledge,
social values.
- Diversity and cooperation, as fundamental social values and
as factors of competitiveness.
Democracy as a pervasive form of government, with tendencies for
a participative democracy rendered
possible by the new Information and Communication Technologies.
These four major trends are strongly interrelated and reinforce each other
in multiple ways.
All of them are connected to the building up of evaluation cultures and, at the same time,
it is due to them that a deeply rooted evaluation culture becomes a major
competitive advantage in the present world.
A more participated democracy, wider access to information,
and more open comparisons at the global scale have brought the political
need for improved accountability, effectiveness and efficiency of government expenditures.
After all, what is at stake is how the tax payers money is used and what are the
outcome benefits of its use. In fact, in the present circumstances the
growing requirement for accountability can only be expected to increase.
Governments need evaluations for several different purposes:
optimizing budget allocations, re-orienting policies, rationalizing organizations,
redefining institutional missions, augmenting productivity, and so on.
Better communication and absolute transparency of evaluation results,
not only for specialized audiences but also for the general public,
are now mandatory requirements. Policies have to be rooted on a well
informed and supportive public base in order to be sustainable under
increasing public scrutiny.
These are, in my view, the main reasons for the importance of an evaluation
culture as an instrument for enhancing competitive advantage and for assuring
political support for policies and for institutions.
The capacity to create, disseminate and use knowledge and information
is more and more the main factor for economic growth and improvement of
the quality of life.
For this reason, the Science and Technology System assumes a structural
role of fundamental importance for the economic and social progress.
In each country it appears has a basic infrastructure for the knowledge-based
economy and society.
The quality of human resources is the main factor underlying the invention
and diffusion of knowledge and technology. The training of researchers and
other skilled personnel has to be necessarily supported on the scientific system,
even in what concerns technical training as that of, say, engineers.
The size and quality of the science and technology system and its capacity
to foster the emergence of new up to date leaderships is the essential element
for a permanent renewal of teaching and training at the forefront of knowledge and technical skills.
This is particularly true for the science and technology
system directly related in to higher education institutions and especially to universities.
In fact, the science and technology system performs a central role in stimulating creativity,
the use of knowledge, innovation, modernization, permanent actualization,
and entrepreneurship which are increasingly critical for the knowledge-based
economy and society.
This line of reasoning can of course be traced back to the concept of
research-based training and comprehensive humanistic education developed by
Wilhelm von Humboldt in 1810 for the University of Berlin. The American graduate school
was built on this concept focusing on research and higher learning, a development that
took place mostly from the second half of the 19th century to the 1930s.
But this orientation assumes a more clear visibility in the modern university
which came into being mostly throughout the second half of the 20th century.
To the classical model of von Humboldt, a market-oriented model was added.
Students became to be seen as consumers or customers wanting competencies
or skills certified through diplomas while universities compete with each
other in order to satisfy this demand and attract the best students.
Government and industries increasingly appeared as customers of research —
in particular research projects within a specified time frame and
at competitive quality and prices. Contract-based research funding is
adopted while universities compete in order to satisfy this research contracts demand.
This trend was made clear in the USA shortly after the World War II,
with the creation of the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 1950.
The NSF was based on the concepts advanced by Vannevar Bush in the 1945 report “Science:
The Endless Frontier” which called for a government agency that supported only
the best research in colleges, universities and research institutes.
The early NSF procedures were built on the research projects evaluation
methods of contract research which had been pioneered by the Office of
Naval Research under the leadership of Alan Waterman who was nominated
to be the first NSF Director in 1951.
To teaching and research a third mission of the university was added:
service to the community in the form of lifelong education,
technology transfer to the business sector, advice on policy decisions,
and contribution to regional development strategies.
Institutional competition is a clear feature of this market-oriented approach:
to function effectively as a market, university education needs
to have a wide range of providers, and consumers must be able
to make well-informed choices and, in fact, to switch “suppliers”.
In this context, regular independent evaluations with results widely
disseminated become absolutely essential to the science and technology system and,
in particular, to the research function of universities.
No system can be efficiently run without permanent observation and checking
of its results and outcomes.
We have seen that evaluation cultures are instrumental for enhancing competitive
advantages and for assuring political support for public policies.
And this happens in all public policy areas.
However, we have also seen that, due to the very special characteristics
of science and technology for the advancement of the frontiers of knowledge,
evaluation methodologies where pioneered by the science and technology
system and have been operational in advanced countries for several decades.
This means that the examples of evaluation systems of research,
in particular at universities,
have the political responsibility of contributing to foster
a wide evaluation culture encompassing all the fields of public policy.
This is, by itself, a very important reason to run clear and widely
visible evaluations whose results and procedures are transparently
disclosed and subjected to public scrutiny and wide debate.
Research evaluation is better done by independent international peer review
A first thought on evaluation practices is clearly conveyed in a Blaise Pascal 1670 statement:
“It is not permitted to the most equitable of men to be a judge in his own cause.”
Thus evaluations have to be run by independent observers who, of course,
need to be experts on the fields being evaluated. Independent peer review
is therefore an inescapable ingredient of research evaluations.
In small countries this leads directly to the need of involving foreign
experts in evaluations, but there are other advantages of international
evaluations which are universal:
First, assessments have to be run against international best-practices.
Second, in a globalized setting internationalization of research is critical;
there is no better way to emphasize an internationalization policy than simply
doing international evaluations — the message is very clear.
Third, international networking is critical for scientific and technological development;
exposing ones research to international evaluation brings natural visibility to
competencies around which further collaboration links can be established —
then the word about them passes around very easily in particular
through the evaluators themselves.
Fourth, evaluation results obtain more easily international recognition
and credibility if the evaluators are foreign international experts,
as comparison references are than easier to establish.
Fifth, as an evaluation is a check on the system that is later used through
a complex mediated process, there are more advantages than disadvantages
in having it done by detached outside experts who are more prone to detect
established undesirable practices or the rising of new opportunities and
leaderships and to voice them out irrespective of institutional conservatism.
The reasons for conducting evaluations are varied and involve improvement of activities,
accountability and “market” information
There are several reasons for conducting an evaluation, among them:
- To obtain information on how to improve activities as they are developing.
- To induce a self-reflection of the actors on the results and outcomes
of the activities and the way they are performed and induce a strategic
orientation towards goals and a better leadership.
- To asses the effectiveness of the activities after they have time to produce results.
- To decide on future funding commitments.
- To gather advice for policy change.
- To inform the “peers” and the “customers” about quality and installed competencies.
Most good evaluations nowadays involve some sort of all these aspects.
Therefore, they take into consideration not only the proposed activities
but also the way they are organized and the results and outcomes track record of the performers.
It is also increasingly asked directly to the evaluators their advice for precise funding
decisions and for policy change. Transparent disclosure of the
evaluation procedures and results is also seen now as mandatory for good evaluation practice.
In my opinion, useful evaluations — those that make a difference for the evaluated
and for the system performance — always require consequences in funding decisions.
When an evaluation involves a whole system, like a comprehensive evaluation of
the research in universities, it also requires a simple ranking system, in order
to provide clear messages for institutional change and to set a clearly
identifiable relief on the institutional landscape that can be easily
understood by prospective “customers” — students, their families,
businesses, public agencies, governments.
The sole publication of textual evaluation reports in a large
setting will provide very little practical guidance
for the outsiders and will convey a sense that everything is essentially
the same and requires major improvements, as a good textual evaluation
must always concentrate on criticisms that may contribute to improvements.
In other words, I believe that the caution that some evaluation systems
exhibit in avoiding ranking with the fear that it will be misunderstood,
overshadowing more important observations,
drives against the whole system by rendering difficult
to outsiders the identification of clear signs of differences.
Quality and originality should have precedence over quantity in research evaluation
There is no single best way of performing research evaluations.
In particular, the alternative of doing qualitative or quantitative evaluations
has been a subject of long controversy,
but the conventional wisdom nowadays is that both have different strengths and weaknesses,
and that a mixed approach is advisable.
Nothing is better than allowing the evaluators to obtain a diversely informed
understanding of the situation complemented with direct observation and interpersonal interaction,
and to rely on their expertise to arrive at a balanced assessment and recommendations.
In any case, originality and quality should always be given precedence over quantity
in criteria for performance evaluation and the allocation of resources.
Over simplifications on this matter can lead to quite unacceptable results.
For instance, relying on a long set of criteria to be marked and on weighted averages
of these marks to mechanically achieve a final grade was found to lead to bad results.
Another example is that bibliometric data can be informative in research evaluations,
in particular at the institutional or wider level, but relying on them automatically
can lead to serious mistakes and even have undesirable consequences regarding the quality
of publications and even scientific ethics (as, for instance reported in 1998 by the
German funding agency DFG in the publication entitled
Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice).
As a side remark, let me recall that this matter of grading competencies
which we now take for granted in grading students, is a rather recent development in history.
In fact, the first known instance of grading papers occurred only in 1792 at
Cambridge University under the initiative of a tutor named William
Farish who believed that a quantitative value should be assigned to human thoughts.
This idea was to be later on adopted after the French Revolution at the end of the
18th century by the École Polythecnique de Paris as a device for assuring equal
treatment to all students irrespective of their social origin.
The first use of grading student papers in the USA seems to have occurred only
in 1817 at the US Military Academy where managerial ideas are reported to have
appeared for the first time (cf. The Genesis of Accountability: The West Point Connection,
by Keith Hoskin and Richard Macve in 1988).
To conclude, let me emphasize my view that:
- Strong evaluation cultures in all areas of public policy bring competitive advantages
in a global setting — it is the old principle: if you want to steer a system
in a certain direction observe its direction, thrust, results and outcomes.
- Accountability of tax-payers money is increasingly required
for sustaining public policies.
- Evaluations must build a platform of confidence and understandability that
will allow rooting the public support on public perceptions.
- Credibility of evaluations is absolutely essential — it should be seen
as a major goal of the evaluation process. As credibility is a social construct,
the evaluation must include instances of social construction,
both among evaluators and between evaluators and those who are evaluated.
- An emphasis on communication and transparent reporting of evaluation
procedures and results is mandatory.