Geometric Mechanics — 1st Semester 2022/2023
AnnouncementsThe final grades are now available (see side bar). If you want to take a look at your graded exams come to my office at your convenience. You can see surprising motions of mechanical systems with nonholonomic constraints here, here and here. You can find more information about the tennis racket theorem in this video. SyllabusGeometric Mechanics: mechanical systems, holonomic constraints, rigid body, non-holonomic constraints, Lagrangian mechanics, Hamiltonian mechanics, completely integrable systems, symplectic and Poisson geometry, symmetry and reduction. Relativity: Galileo spacetime, special relativity, Cartan connection, general relativity, Schwarzschild solution, cosmology. BibliographyMain
Grading PolicyHomework: Makes up 50% of the grade. Late homework will not be accepted. Final exam: Makes up 50% of the grade. Can be retaken if necessary. Homework
ExamsYou can see more exams on the course webpages from previous years (some in Portuguese): |