(Some of the)
Research Activities
Algebraic Geometry and Related Areas
(Co-organized by the IST Mathematics Department)
Regular Courses and Meetings
IST Courses on Algebraic Geometry
Lisbon Summer Lectures on Geometry
Oporto Meetings on Geometry, Topology and Physics
Regular Seminars
Algebra Seminar at IST
Algebraic Geometry/Moduli Seminar
Geometria em Lisboa Seminar
String Theory Seminar
Topological Quantum Field Theory
Past Activities
CAMGSD Thematic Period on Matrix Models and Geometry
(Fall 2009 - Spring 2010)
I CAMGSD Thematic Period on Algebraic Geometry and Topological Strings
2004 Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Physics
IST Lecture Series in Algebraic Geometry & Physics
Minicourse on Fourier Mukai Transforms
Introduction to Global Analysis
Curso de Álgebra Comutativa e Aplicações: Geometria Algébrica e Curvas Algébricas
(Julho, 2001)
School on Singularities in Algebraic Geometry & String Theory
(July 8-17, 1999)