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Barroso, A. C. e J. Matias: On a Volume Constrained Variational Problem in SBV2: Part I, em ESAIM-COCV/2002

Barroso, A. C. e J. Matias: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Existence of  Solutions of a Variational Problem Involving the Curl, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems  Series A., Janeiro de 2005.

 S. Bandyopadhyay, A.C. Barroso, B. Dacorogna and J. Matias: Differential inclusions for differential forms, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential
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edição electrónica disponível,

Matias, J.  Necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of solutions of a divergence- type variational problem,
 São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences  Nº2, 2 (2008), 309-324.

Barroso, A. C. e J. Matias,  On an Ill Posed Problem in  SBV^2_0(\Omega)
Journal of Convex Analysis 17 (2010), No. 2

Matias, J., Sufficient conditions for existence of solutions of a lower dimensional variational problem
Aceite para publicação nos Proceedings do 2º Encontro IST/IME ( São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences ).

Artigos submetidos ou em preparação: 

J. Matias e P. M. Santos, A dimension reduction result in the framework of structured deformations,

M. Baía, J. Matias e P. M.Santos: A relaxation result in the framework of structured deformations.

M. Baía, M. Chermisi, J.Matias e P. M. Santos:  Lower semicontinuity for signed functionals with linear growth in the context of A-quasiconvexity.

M. Baía, A. C. Barroso, M. Chermisi e J. Matias: Coupled second order singular perturbations for phase transitions.