Dear colleague,
The preparation of the volume has been completed at the end of November 2003. Here are the bibliografical data:
The list of contents is given below. If there are any questions, please write to one of the editors
Frank-Olme Speck or Francisco Sepúlveda Teixeira
Departamento de Matemática
Instituto Superior Técnico, U.T.L.
Avenida Rovisco Pais
1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel +351-218417095 or 218417081, Fax 218417598
Secretary of The Center for Mathematics and its Applications 218417084 or
Portrait of Erhard Meister.
Table of Contents.
List of Photographs and Sources.
PART A: Reminiscences on the Life and Work of Erhard Meister:
W. Wendland: Obituary.
E. Meister: Report on the Scientific International Relations
of the Research Group of E. Meister (1993).
Curriculum Vitae.
Publications of Erhard Meister.
Supervision of PhD Dissertations.
F.-O. Speck: In Memory of Erhard Meister.
D.S. Jones: Is Electromagnetism any Use?
L. Meister: How Could it Happen?
A. Böttcher and B. Silbermann: Erhard Meister - Friend
and Colleague.
R. Duduchava: Thank You - Erhard.
M. Feistauer, K. Kozel and J. Neustupa: Our First Visit to
I. Gohberg and M.A. Kaashoek: Our Meetings with Erhard Meister.
R.A. Hurd: Some Canadian Collaboration.
N. Latz: Reminiscences of Erhard Meister at Saarbrücken
and Berlin.
R. Leis: More than Forty Years with Erhard Meister.
V. Maz'ya: Remembering Erhard Meister.
C. Meister and O. Meister: The Family Man.
S.A. Nazarov: Recalling Meetings with Erhard Meister.
D.C. Pack: A View from Scotland.
A.F. dos Santos and F.S. Teixeira: The Lisbon Connection.
L. von Wolfersdorf: Prof. Meister's Relations with Freiberg.
PART B: Invited papers from the areas of interest of E. Meister:
H.-D. Alber and K. Chelminski: Quasistatic
Problems in Viscoplasticity Theory I: Models with Linear Hardening.
E.L. Basor and H. Widom: Wiener-Hopf Determinants with Fisher-Hartwig
M.A. Bastos, A. Bravo and Yu. Karlovich: Convolution Type
Operators with Symbols Generated by Slowly Oscillating and Piecewise
Continuous Matrix Functions.
A. Böttcher and S. Grudsky: Asymptotically Good Pseudomodes
for Toeplitz Matrices and Wiener-Hopf Operators.
T. Buchukuri, O. Chkadua and R. Duduchava: Crack-type Boundary
Value Problems of Electroelasticity.
L.P. Castro, F.-O. Speck and F.S. Teixeira: On a Class of
Wedge Diffraction Problems Posted by Erhard Meister.
M. Costabel, M. Dauge and S. Nicaise: Corner Singularities
of Maxwell Interface and Eddy Current Problems.
M. Feistauer and T. Neustupa: On Some Aspects of the Analysis
of Incompressible Flow Through Cascades of Profiles.
I. Gohberg, M.A. Kaashoek and F. van Schagen: On Inversion
of Convolution Integral Operators on a Finite Interval.
A. Karlovich: Some Algebras of Functions with Fourier Coefficients
in Weighted Orlicz Sequence Spaces.
M. Lindner and B. Silbermann: Invertibility at Infinity of
Band-Dominated Operators on the Space of Essentially Bounded Functions.
E. Lüneburg: Half Plane Diffraction Problems Using Alternative
Integral Representations.
E. Martensen and S. Ritter: The Integral Equation Method
for Dipole Equilibrium.
V. Maz'ya and T. Shaposhnikova: Characterization of Multipliers
in Pairs of Besov Spaces.
D. Natroshvili und W.L. Wendland: Boundary Variational Inequalities
in the Theory of Interface Crack Problems.
V.S. Rabinovich: Limiting Absorption Principle for a Class
of Difference Equations.
V.S. Rabinovich and S. Roch: Fredholmness of Convolution
Type Operators.
H. Triebel: The Distribution of Eigenvalues of Some Fractal
Elliptic Operators and Weyl Measures.