The Erhard Meister Memorial Volume

Information for Authors

Dear colleague,

The preparation of the volume has been completed at the end of November 2003. Here are the bibliografical data:

  • Title: Operator Theoretical Methods and Applications to Mathematical Physics
  • Subtitle: The Erhard Meister Memorial Volume
  • Editors: I. Gohberg, A.F. dos Santos, F.-O. Speck, F.S. Teixeira and W. Wendland
  • Book series: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Birkhäuser 2004, xvi +476 p.
  • projected time of publication: 21 January 2004
  • Springer web site.

    The list of contents is given below. If there are any questions, please write to one of the editors

    Frank-Olme Speck or Francisco Sepúlveda Teixeira
    Departamento de Matemática
    Instituto Superior Técnico, U.T.L.
    Avenida Rovisco Pais
    1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

    Tel +351-218417095 or 218417081, Fax 218417598
    Secretary of The Center for Mathematics and its Applications 218417084 or

    Table of Contents

    Portrait of Erhard Meister.
    Table of Contents.
    List of Photographs and Sources.

    PART A: Reminiscences on the Life and Work of Erhard Meister:

    W. Wendland: Obituary.
    E. Meister: Report on the Scientific International Relations of the Research Group of E. Meister (1993).
    Curriculum Vitae.
    Publications of Erhard Meister.
    Supervision of PhD Dissertations.
    F.-O. Speck: In Memory of Erhard Meister.
    D.S. Jones: Is Electromagnetism any Use?


    L. Meister: How Could it Happen?
    A. Böttcher and B. Silbermann: Erhard Meister - Friend and Colleague.
    R. Duduchava: Thank You - Erhard.
    M. Feistauer, K. Kozel and J. Neustupa: Our First Visit to Oberwolfach.
    I. Gohberg and M.A. Kaashoek: Our Meetings with Erhard Meister.
    R.A. Hurd: Some Canadian Collaboration.
    N. Latz: Reminiscences of Erhard Meister at Saarbrücken and Berlin.
    R. Leis: More than Forty Years with Erhard Meister.
    V. Maz'ya: Remembering Erhard Meister.
    C. Meister and O. Meister: The Family Man.
    S.A. Nazarov: Recalling Meetings with Erhard Meister.
    D.C. Pack: A View from Scotland.
    A.F. dos Santos and F.S. Teixeira: The Lisbon Connection.
    L. von Wolfersdorf: Prof. Meister's Relations with Freiberg.


    PART B: Invited papers from the areas of interest of E. Meister:

    H.-D. Alber and K. Chelminski: Quasistatic Problems in Viscoplasticity Theory I: Models with Linear Hardening.
    E.L. Basor and H. Widom: Wiener-Hopf Determinants with Fisher-Hartwig Symbols.
    M.A. Bastos, A. Bravo and Yu. Karlovich: Convolution Type Operators with Symbols Generated by Slowly Oscillating and Piecewise Continuous Matrix Functions.
    A. Böttcher and S. Grudsky: Asymptotically Good Pseudomodes for Toeplitz Matrices and Wiener-Hopf Operators.
    T. Buchukuri, O. Chkadua and R. Duduchava: Crack-type Boundary Value Problems of Electroelasticity.
    L.P. Castro, F.-O. Speck and F.S. Teixeira: On a Class of Wedge Diffraction Problems Posted by Erhard Meister.
    M. Costabel, M. Dauge and S. Nicaise: Corner Singularities of Maxwell Interface and Eddy Current Problems.
    M. Feistauer and T. Neustupa: On Some Aspects of the Analysis of Incompressible Flow Through Cascades of Profiles.
    I. Gohberg, M.A. Kaashoek and F. van Schagen: On Inversion of Convolution Integral Operators on a Finite Interval.
    A. Karlovich: Some Algebras of Functions with Fourier Coefficients in Weighted Orlicz Sequence Spaces.
    M. Lindner and B. Silbermann: Invertibility at Infinity of Band-Dominated Operators on the Space of Essentially Bounded Functions.
    E. Lüneburg: Half Plane Diffraction Problems Using Alternative Integral Representations.
    E. Martensen and S. Ritter: The Integral Equation Method for Dipole Equilibrium.
    V. Maz'ya and T. Shaposhnikova: Characterization of Multipliers in Pairs of Besov Spaces.
    D. Natroshvili und W.L. Wendland: Boundary Variational Inequalities in the Theory of Interface Crack Problems.
    V.S. Rabinovich: Limiting Absorption Principle for a Class of Difference Equations.
    V.S. Rabinovich and S. Roch: Fredholmness of Convolution Type Operators.
    H. Triebel: The Distribution of Eigenvalues of Some Fractal Elliptic Operators and Weyl Measures.

    Last Update: 25 November 2003