Carlos Alves, Rafaela & Ana Leonor
Carlos J. S. Alves

Professor Associado (c/agregação)
Centro de Matemática e Aplicações (CEMAT) - Department of Mathematics (DM)
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) - Technical University of Lisbon (UTL)

Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 LISBOA, PORTUGAL

carlos . alves math . ist . utl . pt

Main research areas: Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis: Inverse Problems; Meshless Methods, Wave Scattering.

[open | close]
PUBLICATIONS (as author)

cited in ISI, Zentralblatt or MathSciNet
  • [32] C. J. S. Alves:
    On the choice of source points in the method of fundamental solutions.
    Eng. Analysis with Bound. Elements, 33 (12), 1348-1361 (2009). [MSN, ISI]
  • [31] C. Alves, A. L. Silvestre, T. Takahashi, M. Tucsnak:
    Solving inverse source problems using observability. Applications to the Euler-Bernoulli plate equation.
    SIAM J. Control Optim. 48 (3), 1632-1659 (2009). [MSN, ISI, art]
  • [30] C. J. S. Alves, N. F. M. Martins, N. C. Roberty:
    Full identification of acoustic sources with multiple frequencies and boundary measurements.
    Inverse Problems and Imaging 2 (2), 275-294 (2009). [ISI, art]
  • [29] C. J. S. Alves, N. F. M. Martins:
    The direct method of fundamental solutions and the inverse Kirsch-Kress method for the reconstruction of elastic inclusions or cavities.
    J. Integr. Eq. Appl. 21 (2), 153-178 (2009). [MSN, ZB, art]
  • [28] C. Alves, R. Kress, P. Serranho:
    Iterative and range test methods for an inverse source problem for acoustic waves.
    Inverse Probl. 25 (5), id.055005 - 17 p. (2009). [MSN, ZB, ISI]
  • [27] C. J. S. Alves, P. R. S. Antunes:
    The method of fundamental solutions applied to the calculation of eigensolutions for 2D plates.
    Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng. 77, 177-194 (2009). [MSN, ISI, art]
  • [26] (with N.C. Roberty):
    On the identification of star shaped sources from boundary measurements using a reciprocity functional.
    Inv. Probl. Sc. Eng. 17(2), 187 - 202 (2009). [MSN, ZB]
  • [25] C. J. S. Alves, N. F. M. Martins:
    On the Determination of a Robin Boundary Coefficient in an Elastic Cavity using the MFS;
    in Progress on Meshless Methods (Editors: AJM Ferreira et al.) Comput. Meth. Appl. Sc. 11, Springer, pp. 125-139 (2009). [MSN ZB]
  • [24] C.J.S. Alves, M.J. Colaço, V.M.A. Leitão, N.F.M. Martins, H.R.B. Orlande, N.C. Roberty:
    Recovering the source term in a linear diffusion problem by the method of fundamental solutions.
    Inv. Probl. Sc. Eng. 16(8), 1005-1021 (2008). [MSN, ZB, ISI]
  • [23] C. J. S. Alves, A. B. Cruzeiro:
    Monte-Carlo simulation of stochastic differential systems – a geometrical approach.
    Stoch. Proc. and their Appl. 118, 346-367 (2008). [ MSN, ZB, ISI]
  • [22] C. J. S. Alves, S. S. Valtchev:
    A Kansa type method using fundamental solutions applied to elliptic PDEs;
    in Advances in Meshfree Techniques (Ed: VMA Leitão et al.). Comput. Meth. Appl. Sc. 5, Springer, pp. 241-256 (2007). [MSN]
  • [21] C. J. S. Alves, R. Kress, A. L. Silvestre:
    Integral equations for an inverse boundary value problem for the two-dimensional Stokes equations.
    J. Inverse and Ill Posed Probl. 15 (5), 461-481 (2007). [MSN, ZB]
  • [20] C. J. S. Alves, V. M. A. Leitão:
    Crack analysis using an enriched MFS domain decomposition technique.
    Eng. Analysis Bound. Elements 30 (3), 160-166 (2006). [ISI, art]
  • [19] C. J. S. Alves, P. R. S. Antunes:
    The method of fundamental solutions applied to the calculation of eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of 2D simply connected shapes.
    Comp. Mat. Continua 2 (4), 251-266 (2005). [ISI, art]
  • [18] C. J. S. Alves, S. S. Valtchev:
    Numerical comparison of two meshfree methods for acoustic wave scattering.
    Eng. Analysis Bound. Elements 29 (4), 371-382 (2005). [ISI, journal]
  • [17] C. J. S. Alves, C. S. Chen:
    A new method of fundamental solutions applied to nonhomogeneous elliptic problems.
    Adv. Comp. Math. 23, 125-142 (2005). [ISI, MSN, ZB]
  • [16] C. J. S. Alves, A. L. Silvestre:
    Density results using Stokeslets and a method of fundamental solutions for the Stokes equations.
    Eng. Analysis Bound. Elements 28, 1245-1252 (2004). [ISI, ZB]
  • [15] C. J. S. Alves, J. Ben Abdallah, M. Jaoua:
    Recovery of cracks using a point-source reciprocity gap function.
    Inverse Probl. Sci. Eng. 12 (5), 519-534 (2004). [doi, ISI, MSN]
  • [14] C. J. S. Alves, P. Serranho:
    On the identification of the flatness of a sound-hard acoustic crack.
    Math. Comp. Sim. 66, 337-353 (2004). [ISI, MSN, ZB]
  • [13] C. J. S. Alves, A. L. Silvestre:
    On the determination of point-forces on a Stokes system.
    Math. Comp. Sim., 66, 385-397 (2004). [ISI, MSN, ZB]
  • [12] C. J. S. Alves, C. S. Chen, B. Sarler:
    The method of fundamental solutions for solving Poisson's problems;
    in Boundary Elements XXIV (Editors: C. A. Brebbia, A. Tadeu & V. Popov), WIT Press, pp.67-76 (2002). [ZB]
  • [11] C. J. S. Alves, B. Pereira, P. Serranho
    Scattering by cracks: Numerical simulations using a boundary finite element method;
    in Boundary Elements XXIV (Editors: C. A. Brebbia, A. Tadeu & V. Popov), WIT Press, pp.35-44 (2002). [ZB]
  • [10] C. J. S. Alves, R. Kress
    On the far field operator in elastic obstacle scattering.
    IMA J. Appl. Math. 67, 1-21 (2002). [ISI, MSN, ZB]
  • [09] C. Alves, H. Ammari
    Boundary integral formulae for the reconstruction of imperfections of small diameter in an elastic medium.
    SIAM J. Appl. Math. 62, pp.94-106. (2001) [ISI, MSN, ZB]
  • [08] C. J. S. Alves
    Numerical simulations on resonance poles - the trapping case of two plane cracks.
    J. Comp. Appl. Math., 111, pp.267-279 (1999) [ISI, MSN, ZB]
  • [07] C. J. S. Alves, T. Ha Duong
    Inverse scattering for elastic plane cracks.
    Inverse Problems, 15, pp.91-97 (1999). [ISI, MSN, ZB]
  • [06] C. J. S. Alves., P. M. C. Ribeiro:
    Crack detection using spherical incident waves and near-field measurements;
    in Boundary Elements XXI (Editors: C. A. Brebbia, H. Power). WIT Press, Southampton, pp.355-364 (1999) [ZB]
  • [05] C. J. S. Alves:
    Inverse scattering with spherical incident waves;
    in Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Editor: DeSanto, J.). SIAM, pp.502-504 (1998) [ZB]
  • [04] C. J. S. Alves, T. Ha Duong
    On inverse scattering by screens.
    Inverse Problems, 13, pp.1161-1176 (1997) [ISI, MSN, ZB]
  • [03] C. J. S. Alves, T. Ha Duong
    On the far field amplitude for elastic waves;
    in Modern Mathematical Methods in Diffractions Theory and its Applications in Engineering (Editor: E. Meister). Peter Lang, Frankfurt, pp.49--67 (1997) [MSN, ZB]
  • [02] C. Alves, T. Ha Duong
    Numerical resolution of the Boundary Integral Equations for elastic scattering by a plane crack.
    Int. J. for Num. Meth. in Eng., 38, pp.2347-2371 (1995). [ISI, MSN, ZB]
  • [01] C. Alves, T. Ha Duong
    Numerical experiments on the resonance poles associated to acoustic and elastic scattering by a plane crack;
    in Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Editor: Gary Cohen). SIAM, pp. 544-553 (1995) [ZB]
- some other papers in proceedings
  • [-01] C. J. S. Alves
    Density results for the Helmholtz equation and the method of fundamental solutions;
    in Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences - Volume I (Editors: S. N. Atluri and F. W. Brust).
    Tech Sc. Press, pp.45-50 (2000) [ed]
  • [-02] C. J. S. Alves, G. E. Pires
    Sound soft screen detection in the near field;
    in Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics II (Editors: M. Tanaka and G. Dulikravich).
    Elsevier Publ., pp.563-571 (2000). [ed]
  • [-03] C. J. S. Alves, T. Ha Duong , F. Penzel
    On the identification of conductive cracks;
    in Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics II (Editors: M. Tanaka and G. Dulikravich). Elsevier Publ., pp.213-218 (2000). [ed]
  • [-04] C. J. S. Alves, C. S. Chen
    The method of fundamental solutions adapted for a non homogeneous equation;
    in Proceedings of the International Conference in Engineering & Science 2001 (S. Atluri,T. Nishioka, M. Kikuchi, editors) in CD-ROM.
    Tech Science Press, Los Angeles, 2001. [ed]
  • [-05] C. J. S. Alves
    Numerical experiments on the near and far field of acoustic and elastic waves scattered by cracks;
    in Proceedings of the International Conference in Engineering & Science 2001 (S. Atluri,T. Nishioka, M. Kikuchi, editors) in CD-ROM.
    Tech Science Press, Los Angeles, 2001. [ed]
  • [-06] C. J. S. Alves, A. El Badia, T. Ha Duong
    On the determination of elastic point sources;
    in Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Inverse Problems, Control and Shape Optimization (Editors: M. Jaoua, J. Jaffre, T. Ha Duong).
    INRIA Ed. pp.13-21 (2002).
  • [-07] C. J. S. Alves
    Density results on partial differential equations and the derivation of meshless methods;
    in Proceedings of the International Conference in Engineering & Science 2003 (S. Atluri, D. Beskos, D. Polyzos, editors) in CD-ROM.
    Tech Science Press, Los Angeles, 2003.
  • [-08] C. J. S. Alves, J. Ben Abdallah J., and M. Jaoua
    Recovery of cracks using a reciprocity gap function;
    in Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice - Volume I (H. Orlande, editor).
    E-papers Publ.House, pp. 365-372, 2003. [ed]
  • [-09] C. J. S. Alves, P. Antunes
    Numerical determination of eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes using the Method of Fundamental Solutions;
    in Proceedings of the International Conference in Engineering & Science 2004 (S. Atluri, A. Tadeu, editors) in CD-ROM.
    Tech Science Press, Los Angeles, 2004. [cf]
  • [-10] C. J. S. Alves
    Acoustic scattering by multicracks using a boundary finite element method;
    in Advances in Boundary Element Techniques V (V.M.A. Leitão, M.H. Aliabadi: editors).
    EC Ltd, Eastleigh, UK. pp. 161-168 (2004). [ed]
  • [-11] C. J. S. Alves, S. S. Valtchev
    A Kansa type method using fundamental solutions applied to elliptic PDEs
    in Advances in Meshfree Techniques (Editors: VMA Leitão et al.)
    Computational Meth. Appl. Sciences, 5. Springer, New York, pp. 241-256 (2007). [ed]
  • [-12] C. J. S. Alves
    Enrichment techniques and the method of fundamental solutions
    in Proceedings of LSAME'08: Leuven Symposium on Appl. Mech. Eng. (Editors: B Bergen et al.) in CD-ROM (2008). [ISI proc., ed]
PUBLICATIONS (editorial roles)

in journals

in books

  • [1] V. M. A. Leitão, C. J. S. Alves, C. A. Duarte (Editors),
    Advances in Meshfree Techniques, Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 5.
    Springer (2007) [ISBN: 978-1-4020-6094-6] [ZB]
  • [2] C. J. S. Alves, P. M. Pardalos and L. N. Vicente (Editors)
    Optimization in Medicine, Springer Optimization and its Applications Series, Vol. 12.
    Springer (2008) [ISBN: 978-0-387-73298-5] [ZB].

in proceedings



Habib Ammari (Ecole Polytechnique, France), Jalel Ben Abdallah (ENIT, Tunisia), C. S. Chen (Univ. Nevada, USA), M. J. Colaço (Univ. Fed. Rio Janeiro, Brazil), Abdellatif El Badia (Univ. Compiègne, France), Tuong Ha Duong (Univ. Compiègne, France), Mohamed Jaoua (ENIT, Tunisia), Andreas Kirsch (Univ. Karlsruhe), Rainer Kress (Univ. Göttingen, Germany), Vitor Leitão (IST, Portugal), Helcio Orlande (Univ. Fed. Rio Janeiro, Brazil), Nilson Roberty (Univ. Fed. Rio Janeiro, Brazil), Bozidar Sarler (Univ. Ljubljana, Slovenia), Pedro Serranho (IP-Leiria, Portugal), Ana Leonor Silvestre (IST, Portugal).

PhD, MSc Students

PhD students

  • 2008: Svilen Stanimirov Valtchev: Numerical Analysis of Methods with Fundamental Solutions for Acoustic and Elastic Wave Propagation Problems.
    [IST - PhD committee: A. Karageorghis (U.Cyprus), A.L. Silvestre (IST), A. Tadeu (U.Coimbra), T. Diogo (IST), A. B. Cruzeiro (IST)], 05/12/2008.
  • 2008: Pedro Ricardo Simão Antunes: The Method of Fundamental Solutions Applied to Eigenproblems.
    [IST - PhD committee: T. Ha Duong (U.T.Compiègne), P. Freitas(FMH-UTL), F. Almeida(FEUP), A. Sequeira (IST), V. Leitão (IST), A. B. Cruzeiro (IST)], 12/12/2008.
  • 2009 -Nuno Filipe Marcelino Martins: Mathematical and numerical methods for inverse problems using fundamental solutions techniques
    [UNL - PhD committee: M. Jaoua (Univ. Nice), A. Sequeira (IST), L. N. Vicente (FCT-UC), P. Vasconcelos(FEUP), A. Silvestre (IST), L. Trabucho (FCT-UNL), E. Coimbra (FCT-UNL)], 23/06/2009.
MSc students:
  • 1998/99: Paula Ribeiro : Estudo da Difracção de Ondas Acústicas na Proximidade do Obstáculo. Problemas Directos e Inversos.
    [IST - MSc committee: R. Santos (U. Algarve), G. Pires (IST)], 28/05/1999.
  • 2002/03: Pedro Serranho: Análise e Simulação Numérica para a Identificação de Fissuras por Difracção Acústica.
    [IST - MSc committee: A. Sequeira (IST), J. A. Ferreira (U. Coimbra)], 06/01/2004.
  • 2002/04: Bruno Pereira: Estudo da Difracção de Ondas Acústicas por Fissuras não Planas com particularidades geométricas.
    [IST - MSc committee: C. Albuquerque (U. Lisboa), A. Silvestre (IST)], 08/03/2005.
  • 2003/04: Pedro Antunes: Cálculo Numérico de Frequências de Ressonância e Modos de Vibração pelo Método das Soluções Fundamentais.
    [IST - MSc committee: Filomena d'Almeida (U. Porto), V.Leitão (IST), P. Freitas (IST, co-advisor)], 19/04/2005.
  • 2006/07: André Vasconcelos: Detection of Outer Sound Sources Through Measurements of Amplitude on a Body Surface.
    [IST - MSc committee: Rainer Kress (U. Goettingen), A. B. Cruzeiro (IST)], 26/09/2007.
  • 2007/08: Inês Estrela Oliveira: Um método de soluções fundamentais aplicado ao tratamento de imagem.
    [IST - MSc committee: A. L. Silvestre, F. M. Dionísio, A. B. Cruzeiro (IST)], 23/10/2008.
  • 2007/08: Daniela Pamplona: Gaussian foveation.
    [IST - MSc committee: A. L. Silvestre, A. B. Cruzeiro (IST), A. Bernardino (co-advisor, IST)], 06/11/2008.
  • 2008/09: Catarina Vaz: Equações Diferenciais Estocásticas em Modelos Financeiros
    [IST - MSc committee: J. Acébron, D. Gomes, A. B. Cruzeiro (IST) (co-advisor, IST)], 09/11/2009.
  • 2008/09: Margarida Fernandes: Diferenças Finitas na Valoração de Opções Europeias e Americanas
    [IST - MSc committee: J. Acébron, D. Gomes, A. B. Cruzeiro (IST) (co-advisor, IST)], 09/11/2009.
BSc diploma students:
  • [5 years BSc Thesis, before 2006]: Bruno Pereira (2001/02) , Pedro Serranho (2001/02), Pedro Antunes (2002/03).
  • [3 years BSc Report, after 2006]: Rui Barreiros (2006/07), Inês Oliveira (2006/07), Daniela Pamplona (2007/08), Luís Morão (2007/08), David Amaro (2008/09), Vincent Guedes (2008/09).
  • [seminar works] David Amaro, Diogo Silva, António Maltsev (2008/09).

  • Project FCT - PTDC/MAT/105475/2008 (member) Analysis and Numerical Methods for Direct and Inverse Problems in Mathematical Mechanics. Ana Silvestre (CEMAT, PI)
  • Project FCT - PTDC/MAT/101007/2008 (member) Eigenvalues of the Laplacian: analytic, geometric and computational aspects. Pedro Freitas (GFM, PI)
  • Project FCT - POCTI/MAT/60863/2004,
    Inverse problems and meshless methods in PDEs.
    C. J. S. Alves - Principal Investigator. Other members: Vitor Leitão (ICIST), Ana Silvestre (CEMAT).
  • Project FCT - POCTI/MAT/61792/2004 (member),
    Analysis of mathematical models for the motion of rigid bodies in incompressible fluids. Ana Silvestre (CEMAT, PI).
  • Project FCT - POCTI/ECM/58940/2004 (member)
    Propagação tridimensional de ondas em meios estratificados contendo fissuras ou inclusões finas - modelação computacional e detecção experimental.
    Julieta António (FCT-UC, PI).
  • Project FCT - POCTI/MAT/34735/2000, Inverse problems and numerical analysis in wave scattering. (2001-2004) C.J.S. Alves - Principal Investigator (members: G.E. Pires, A.L. Silvestre P.M.C. Ribeiro)
  • NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant - PST.CLG.977633: The method of fundamental solutions for nonhomogeneous problems. C.J.S. Alves (IST), B. Sarler (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) and C.S. Chen (University of Nevada). 2001-2003.
  • Project CAPES-GRICES: Problemas inversos de identificação de obstáculos, inclusões, falhas e não-homogeneidades em materiais. C.J.S. Alves (IST), H. Orlande (UFRJ, Brazil). 2004-2006.
  • NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant - PST.CLG.980398: Boundary meshless methods for solving large scale problems. C.J.S. Alves (IST), E. Glushkov (Kuban State Univ., Russia), G. Mishuris (Rzeszow Univ. Tech., Poland), S. Reutskiy (Magn. Lab. Kharkov, Ukraine)and C.S. Chen (University of Nevada). 2004-2005.

agenda - forthcoming events

  • Trefftz-MFS 2010 International Workshop on Trefftz Methods VI and Method of Fundamental Solutions II
    March 15 - 18, 2011 - Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (member of the scientific committee)
agenda - past events

Apontamentos / Lecture notes (in portuguese) :

Disciplinas leccionadas no IST / Courses at IST Ensaio / divulgação:

  • Born: Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, 1966.
  • BSc : Licenciado em Matemática - Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal, 1988)
  • MSc : Mestre em Matemática - Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal, 1992): orientadora: Adélia Sequeira
  • PhD : Docteur de l' Ecole Polytechnique - Mathématiques Appliquées (France, 1995 - CMAP): directeur: Tuong Ha-Duong
    Equivalência ao grau de Doutor - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Portugal, 1996)
  • Assistant Professor: Professor Auxiliar - Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal, 1996), before TA ~ Assistente Estagiário -1988, Assistente -1992.
  • Tenure : Provimento Definitivo - Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal, 2001)
  • Associate Professor : Professor Associado - Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal, 2002)
  • positions by election/cargos por eleição:
    • Coordenador da Secção de Matemática Aplicada e Análise Numérica (1999-2000)
    • Coordenador do Grupo Numerical Analysis and Applications in Continuum Mechanics (2003-2004) CEMAT
    • Head of the IST Math Department - Presidente do Departamento de Matemática do IST (2005-2006)
    • Assembleia Estatutária da UTL (2007/08): membro suplente.
    • Assembleia Estatutária do IST (2008/09): membro eleito.
    • Conselho de Escola do IST (eleito em Maio 2009): membro com mandato até 2012.
  • Menção honrosa (honorable mention) nos Prémios Científicos UTL/Santander-Totta 2007
  • Agregação em Matemática pela Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal, 2008)
  • 1º Prémio (First prize) ex-aequo, nos Prémios Científicos UTL/Santander-Totta 2009

(for simple texts)